Reduce these 3 Things from your Routine to Boost your Productivity

A common question at work is, how to accomplish many tasks and projects on time, without doing overtime. Working extra hours and on weekends is a productivity killer. It creates stress and decision fatigue which reduces your productivity and ultimately your happiness. The answer relates to acquired habits that, in most cases, are taking out […]

Top 5 No-Code Data Automation Tools in the Market

Data automation is a term that refers to the process of automating data collection, processing, and analysis. It’s a process that can streamline business operations and make it easier to glean insights from data. There are several data automation tools in the market, each with features and capabilities. This blog post will explore the market’s […]

If you want to be Inclusive, Stop Asking this Question

Inclusion (especially at workplaces) it is an important topic, every day more. Individuals in teams that feel included perform better have longer tenures and positively impact the business. One of the things I’ve detected after working for several multinational companies as a potential exclusion element is a common subject, the question: Where are you from? […]

Is this the beginning of the Fall of the US Empire?

The United States has been politically, economically and socially struggling for a few years already. The COVID19 pandemic management and police brutality cases are just two examples resurfacing the identity issues that great America is going through. During years, friends, colleagues and myself have admired the American culture and followed their trends, and I still […]

Simple is Beautiful (an ODE to Simplicity)

Simple is beautiful is one of the sentences that I repeat more at work. I say it so often that, when I start saying it, my colleagues usually interrupt me with a “yes Santi we know”. The fact is that the principle works well for work, personal life, friends and family. In this society of […]

Use Pomodoro’s for best productivity at Home (and also at the office)

The definition of the so-known as ‘Pomodoro’ technique is the opposite of multitasking. In this approach, and using a timer, you will focus on a single task for a limited, reduced amount of time. The name Pomodoro comes after the cooking timers with a shape of a tomato that was trendy in the ’80s. Pomodoro […]

How COVID-19 will change Office Jobs forever

The outbreak of COVID-19 has caught everyone by surprise. Well not everyone, Bill Gates said in a TED talk back in 2015: “Today, the greatest risk of global catastrophe doesn’t look like this. Instead, it looks like this. If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be […]